Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Traveller Dates

Traveller has three traditional dates for celebration.

The first is July 22. The very first Traveller was released on July 22, the first day of Origins Game Fair in Staten Island in 1977.

The second is the Emperor’s birthday, Day 242 of the Imperial Calendar. This translates to August 29, which conveniently is Traveller creator Marc Miller’s birthday.

Then there is the first day of May. The first Traveller board wargame was Mayday, featuring individual starship combat. The game title reflects the universal distress call M’aidez! (French for Help Me!), generally expressed in English as “Mayday."

Posted on No Moss Here by Mark Urbin.

Friday, July 03, 2020

Top Post

The top story this weekend is arrest of Ghillane Maxwell.  It’s impossible for an inmate of the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City to commit suicide.  With the failure of the surveillance system and the sleeping of the guards the obvious conclusion to a rational person was that Jeffery Epstein was murdered, but the death was reported by Main Stream Media as a suicide.

Will the death Ghillane Maxwell be reported by the Main Stream Media as a suicide?

Who needs a Joseph Goebbels and his Reichministry when the Main Stream Media will voluntarily lie?